Let me introduce you to Sow Pigs Santa Christmas Tree shirt . He is the creative mind behind the project and brand Forsaken Star.Forsaken Star was born in the beautiful center of France, music in the ears, pen in hand. Sow made his first real tee after seeing his dream band in 2012. The artwork was so amazing and so different to him that all he wanted was to make tons of graphic t-shirts. So he started by updating te-shirts on my.Then made a first limited edition product via Facebook, the “I don’t Care I’m a Monkey“, that was dedicated to the fans of the French Rock Band Shaka Ponk. Then he opened his online store in 2014 and recently released a new series for pre-order, that includes a crazy bear tee.2 House of Cards t-shirts from with a special price: for only 24 hours these two will be $10 each.I hope you are a fan of the TV show because Kevin Spacey does his best role yet in it; if you don’t know what we’re talking about you better clear your whole weekend, stock up on a 3-day worth of food and Netflix this show now!..While wearing the two t-shirts, of course!
Pigs Santa Christmas Tree shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt

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