People don’t realize cats have extremely sensitive Black cat plays with music notes shirt olfactory nerves, this is like spraying vinegar up your nose, the cat really doesn’t like it and people keep thinking this is funny when the cats going into distress. My cat was so nosey when I had the vinegar out and he ran when I let him smell it. I can say my fur baby has never turned his nose up at a food smell, but the other night someone let out a toot the cat sniffed a ran I don’t blame him I ran too!! Cat smell something and know it is bad for you! All these fda approved foods may not b the case. If a cat does this round me I’m throwing it away. My cat is super cute. Instead of that she walks away shaking all her paws like she got dirty or wet just from smelling it. Lol.
Black cat plays with music notes shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt

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